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Sunday, June 10, 2007
The Pussy Cat Dolls
Carmit, Jessica, Ashley, Nicole, Kimberly, Melody

Unit 11: Journal Entry Question

The image of the Pussy Cat Dolls could generally be seen as being a bit too provocative. Their attire and costumes are quite revealing and does promote a sexual image. As seen in their videos, the Pussy Cat Dolls are seen dressing quite revealing, which is common among female artists in the music industry. The Pussy Cat Dolls each could be described as being quite slim which again is quite common with female artists in the music industry. It should be noted that when the Pussy Cat Doll’s Search For the next Doll was released, one of the contestants felt pressure to be thin so that they could fit in with the members of PCD. Each member of the Pussy Cat Doll have attributes that make up the group such as their built confidence, persona and individual style. These attributes are what make up Pussy Cat Dolls image. The group tends to go by the slogan "classy not trashy", which promotes a so called "class" for the group. The image of PCD could be seen as being generic as they could be strongly compared to the girl group, Spice Girls, who also targeted the same target market and encourage female empowerment. It also seems as though that the image of PCD is not as unique as their image can be compared can to other females in the entertainment industry.
The Pussy Cat Doll has a target market of young females, starting from preteens up to young female adults. Their fan base is generally made up of females but does consist of some males. Since the group promotes girl power and such, it is evident that they would appeal to a more female target market. It is apparent that females would be their main target market as they promote girl power through their music, such as "I don’t need a man".
The Pussy Cat Dolls convey the message of female empowerment. They represent the modeling of encouraging female empowerment through their music. The Pussy Cat Dolls has the main purpose of empowering the encouragement of women to be openly expressive and take control. The group promotes girl power among females and females to gain self-confidence. The group is able to do so through their music as they some of their songs include strong encouraging lyrics. Also, the group has created a what seems to be a national anthem to females, their song "Don’t Cha". However, some question rises as to how the girl group could possibly promote female empowerment when they can be considered as dressing provocatively.

M4Ri3L* [ 7:03 PM ] | 1 comments

Are Wii the children of Revolution?
Journal Entry #6

I think that the Wii gaming system is a true technological revolution. I think that gaming systems will start to revolutionize even more than they already have. Wii uses motion-sensing technology and its remote is multifunctional as it serves as many different things. For example, it can range from acting as a steering wheel, tennis racquet or even act as a weapon. Furthermore, Wii’s remote includes motion-sensing abilities, speaker and rumble features. Wii proves to be very functional as its remote can be just about anything a gamer wants it to be. I think that with its technology, it will start a whole new revolution of gaming. Gaming systems will become more functional and allow gamers to be more involved with the game. More and more gaming systems will incorporate the features that Wii includes, and start a whole new revolution of gaming. I think that gaming systems will start to adapt some of the multi-features that Wii has and create games that allow the gamer to be more active and moving. I think that gaming systems will start to create multi-functional remotes such as that of Wii’s. Wii has proven to gain a good international response, interesting many gamers across the globe. Perhaps with such success the Wii has achieved, more gaming systems will include some of the features that Wii has. Possibly, a whole new era of gaming will start, maybe gaming systems will become more active and involve gamers to be more into the game rather the usual classical remote serving one purpose. I think that a wider range of gaming systems types will be available to gamers to fit their gaming styles, the classical remote gaming systems will be available for the least active ones while more multi-functional gaming systems will be available for the more active gamers.

M4Ri3L* [ 7:01 PM ] | 0 comments

Reading in Cyberspace
Journal Entry #5

The library-based digitization will strengthen relationships among some publishers. Publishers may jump at the opportunity to have their books involved with Google’s book search and may find it a good idea to allow people to be able to access their books. This in turn could possibly increase interests on books and cause people to purchase the books. On the other hand, other publishers may find the Google Search to be unfair use. Publishers may disagree with the idea of having books available on the Google Search and may not find it a good idea.
The impact that this project could have on accessing information could provide an easier method for people to find the books they need. The project simply aims to help people find books needed which are relevant to their topic. It will allow access to some of the books that are out of print and may not be available in libraries anymore.
Librarians could be threatened by the new development because people may find it easier to access the information needed through the Google book search rather than having to leave their house to go to a library. Borrowing books from a library generally takes more time and effort, since it takes time to get there and search for the books needed. In addition, sometimes books may already be taken out by another person or the library may not carry some of the books people are searching for. It also requires fees on overdue books and lost materials. The Google Book Search on the other hand allows access to some of the same books libraries have without having to leave the house.
I don’t think I would use the Google Book Search, I haven’t so far and I don’t really plan on starting now. I think I’ll stay to the more old-fashioned borrowing books from a library and put my library card to good use. Why put it to waste? I think I’ll stick to borrowing books from the library, since they are there for a reason.

M4Ri3L* [ 6:51 PM ] | 0 comments

The Genographic Project
Journal Entry #4

The Genographic Project involves a large amount of global research, so the scientific and technological advances are necessary to accomplish the Genographic Project. Some advances that are necessary are software technologies that deploy new customized data. According to IBM, the software technologies revolutionizes the geneticists’ ability to collect, manage, store and securely transmit background data. It helps scientists to gather information in remote locations and so that multiple languages and regions will be acknowledged in helping to conduct research.
Indigenous groups are very important to the Genographic Project because the project focuses on gathering information from these groups. Without the participation from indigenous groups, the project cannot fully achieve the research needed and cannot obtain proper results. The research needed for the Genographic Project revolves around gathering information from indigenous groups, since they have lived in their cultural lands and maintained their heritage throughout the years. Thus providing key information in developing indicators of migratory patterns. Since the migratory patterns play a key role for the project because it aims to solve the mysteries behind the human race traced to starting out in Africa and how exactly the human race got to the other sides of the world. It focuses on how culture impacted our genetic variation, and since not much is known about those topics, the information gathered from indigenous groups help to provide research towards answering those mysteries.
Researchers could not have accomplished this project 100 years ago, 50 years ago or even 25 years ago. Scientists were not familiar to the language of DNA and genetics, it was only familiar among some scientists. However as compared to today, more and more scientists are becoming more and more familiar with the study of DNA and genetics, which in return will ensure a higher chance of accomplishing this project. Timing poses great importance to the Genographic project because if the project was done earlier in time, most likely the results achieved now would not have been the same as before. Most of the scientists 100 years ago, 50 years ago or even 25 years ago may not have known how to analyze the information gathered or how to even formulate the project’s research since not many scientists were familiar with the study. Timing is also very important to the project because the project is planned to be a five-year effort, so all information must be gathered within the time frame and genotype of at least 100,000 indigenous people must be collected.

M4Ri3L* [ 6:48 PM ] | 0 comments

When War meets Video Games
Journal Entry #3

War Video games are so popular now because the gaming industry has developed many war video games on the market. With the availability of such video games, the games get more and more popular as it builds interests of many gamers out there. There are many war based video games being released or that have been released already that are now available, all of which attract the interest of many gamers. It seems as though gamers are attracted to such games because they are very realistic and contain exceptionally good graphics and features. I think war video games are very popular because they put people in somewhat real-life scenarios, which make the game that much more interesting and exciting. Gamers seem to be very fascinated by the violence involved in these types of games. Their fascination for war video games might be because they want to experience the feel of military combat without it actually being in real life.
I think realistic war games desensitize people to the horror of war because war games cannot really compare to actual war in real life. War games desensitize people in the sense that they do not realize that the people fighting in wars really only get one life, which is their real life. On the other hand, in games, gamers are given multiple lives or there is an opportunity to simply restart the game. Unlike in real life however, we do not have that option. Gamers may compare war games to life, thinking that they can simply survive war, when in reality it is actually more complex. Also, some gamers enjoy war games thinking it is exciting and fun but in real life, war is the complete opposite. How war is portrayed in video games is not half the horror it really it is in real life. Gamers good at war games may make the assumption that since they are so good at the game they could be good at war as well. But really, that is not the case, war is a more serious matter and fighting at war is very difficult, just because an individual may be good at a game, it still does not compare to real war.
I personally think war video games cause some people to view life as a game. I think some gamers may tend to make the comparison between war in games to war in real life. Often they may think just because they are good at a game they could be good at fighting in war in real life. Also war games may cause some people not to take the concept of war seriously, putting war in a game does not denote a seriousness but instead creates an amusement for people. Although in reality, war is merely a very serious matter and is not amusing at all.

M4Ri3L* [ 6:46 PM ] | 0 comments

An Ipod Classroom?
Journal Entry #2

I think I would learn well using an iPod because I tend to take many breaks while I am working and I can’t go through working for a long time period. With a video lecture on an iPod, I can pause the lecture practically any time I decide to take a break and return to wherever I left off before. Learning from an iPod would be convenient for me in the sense that I am able to take the iPod and listen to the video lectures wherever I go which could be perfect for bus rides home. I think that I could learn from video lectures on an iPod because I would be able to repeat the lectures multiple times in case I needed to confirm something mentioned. Unlike seminars, which are never exactly the same, a video lecture will supply the same exact information every time it is replayed. I would basically be able to listen to the video lectures any time I need to whenever and wherever. I think I could learn well from video lectures on an iPod because I often need to have things repeated in order for me to fully absorb the concepts being taught. Since video lectures can be repeated, I can replay it however many times I need to in order to understand what is being taught.
I think Mary Ward, with its commitment to self-directed learning should embrace such a technology for education. Since every student has their different way of learning, a video lecture may pose as a helpful way of learning for some students. Video lecturing should be embraced, as it would provide a new type of learning to students, some students might even find it to work towards their benefit. Although Mary Ward should embrace such forms of learning, the other forms of learning such as seminars should still be kept. The school should provide a variety of different learning approaches because some students may learn better in seminars while others may learn better listening to video lectures on iPods. It should be noted that each individual learns differently, therefore they may have different means of learning. Some students may find that video lectures work better around their schedule, as they are able to listen to it on the go whenever they want. However those who are not as occupied, may find that they learn better when they sit down in a seminar and listen to a teacher in person.
Embracing such a form of education is advantageous in the sense that it provides a new learning approach for students to embrace and allows them to experience a new approach to learning. On the other hand, it can also be disadvantageous since not all students own iPods. Therefore they won’t have access to video lectures and would miss out on such a different learning experience. Also, not all students will be able to afford iPods, as they tend to be very expensive.

M4Ri3L* [ 6:36 PM ] | 0 comments

With the GOOD comes the BAD
Journal Entry Question #1

An example of modern-day communication technology that has its share of both positive and negative sides are computers. It is apparent that computers pose as a common necessity to us in our modern-day society. The technology of computers create positive and negative aspects as it is of much assistance to us everyday. It is very useful because of its selection of computer software made available to us. These computer technologies often help us with work-related scenarios as well as homework from school. In addition, Internet services provided through computers allow access to various resources and search engines for reference. Moreover, the Internet consists of many web sites and such that have different purposes. For example, online encyclopedias contain valuable information, which are perfect for homework use. Furthermore, chatrooms, blogs, and even shopping online are other services that are available but are more for leisure purposes. Not only do computers and its technology assist us in work or school but it also acts as a form of communication. With its technology developed to this day, we are able to communicate to others all over the world through its Internet capabilities with the forms of online chatrooms, webcams, emails and such. The online communication services allow one person to basically talk to as many people as they want at once as opposed to the phone where one can talk to one other person only. There are so many features that a computer has, the list could basically go on. Online banking, video sharing and picture sharing, one could go on about the multiple functions of a computer. Although the technology of computers are composed of many good attributes, there is indeed a bad side of computers that should be considered such as the privacy and safety concerns as well as the health concerns of spending too much time on the computer. Spending too much time on the computer can pose some health concerns such as eye strain and discomfort or pain from using the computer too long. Computer viruses are also a negative attribute of computers because it potentially harms a person’s computer system. With that said, computers are one piece of technology equipment that proves to have its share of both a positive and negative side.

M4Ri3L* [ 6:19 PM ] | 0 comments